
Watercolor/Black Ink Pen 2017

Black Ink Pen/ Watercolor 2017 A Green man is typically interpreted as a symbol of rebirth in the cycles of growth in spring. This nature spirit is found carved and sculpted in architectural adornment in many cultures thru-out the world.

Black Ink Pen/ Watercolor and Prisme fantasy oil paint 2017 Menshen are door gods in Chinese folklore and can be found on many of their temples. They guard the entrances to doors and gateways from evil spirits.

Watercolor 2017 The honey bear, also called the sun bear, lives in S.E. Asia. Many think of skulls as morbid, only being symbolic of death and decay. I find them fascinating and beautiful. Much in the same way a seed pod or leafless tree in winter is beautiful.

Black Ink Pen/ Watercolor 2016 The Pooka or Irish goblin haunted the moors of Ireland. It is described as a mischievous being often taking the appearance of a dark, shaggy pony. It was known to lay in wait all night for the unwary passerby and with its cunning would lift the unfortunate soul upon it's back. Once seated he could not be unseated until after being given a teeth clenching ride throughout the country side only to be thrown bruised and bloodied into a bog or briar patch!

Watercolor 2016 Loki was the son of Farbauti ("cruel striker"), and Laufey ("tree island"), of Norse mythology. Some of you may recognize "Vikings" Gustaf Skarsgard who plays the character Floki.

Watercolor/ gouache 2016