About my art
For me, art is about telling a story. Who doesn't love a good story? Two of my favorites are still the ones I learned as a child. Hansel and Gretel and Jack and the Beanstalk. Storybooks, of course, would also be my first introduction to art. Pic-
tures made the stories come alive and allowed me to read a book long before I could understand the meanings of letters and words. Illustrators like Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac would go on to become a huge inspiration to me. Mythology, folklore, and faerie tales cover my bookshelves and also influence much of my art.
Just about anything can spark an idea for a piece. Nature, people, animals, art, music, poetry, the way something appears upside down or blurry...For example, while looking up close at a pumpkin stem that had broken off in my hand one day, I thought that it looked an awful lot like a lady's gown. I kept it on a shelf for months and eventually painted "Shortly After Mid- night." "Old Friends," came from a face I saw in a tree.
And of course, then there are the stories! There is nothing so fun or rewarding as reading a story and then making it come to life with pictures. That is what I love to do best!
* I am actively seeking employment from agents and publishers who like my work!

About me
I live very comfortably behind the book shelf of a lovely house in southern N.H., just down the road from the home I grew up in.
During the day I draw, paint, write stories and take nice long walks among the trees. By the light of the moon, I deliver mysterious letters, scrolls and packages.
I have a large garden that I share with the local wildlife. Woodchucks, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, moles, voles, mice, frogs, toads, snakes, birds, faeries, the occasional deer and a rather wily leprechaun. All are welcome here. Tho, I might add, that I have a good, sturdy fence around the vegetable patch! In the winter while the garden sleeps, I hover near the wood stove where it is warm and cozy, drink lots of cocoa and wait for the snow to melt.